Thursday, February 14, 2008

He's In Love With Me!

Several years ago while enjoying a few days away on retreat, I listened to some background music while I ate breakfast. To the peaceful strumming of a guitar, the soloist sang the following words: "God is in love with his people. God is in love with me."

Tears filled my eyes. "What a relief-producing idea!" I thought. Immediately my longing heart felt bathed with hope. Then a disturbing question threatened my contentment: "But is this true?" When I returned to my room, I searched my Bible for an affirmation. "The Lord appeared. . . saying, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love,'" I read.

"It's true," I whispered. God is in love with me. And God is in love with you, too. Maybe you'd like to write these words on a sticky note and put it on your computer monitor, car visor, or bathroom mirror to remind you daily of God's constantly active love for you. For time immemorial He has loved you and me.

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