Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life Doesn't Have to be Perfect to be Wonderful!

New Book and a New Blog

NEW BOOK: A devo a day keeps the overwhelm at bay! To help you experience the relief of imperfection on a daily basis, I've written a devotional book to follow-up my previous book, The Relief of Imperfection.

This freedom-producing book of daily encouragement for women who strive too hard to make it just right is titled It's a Wonderful (Imperfect) Life. Check it out on Amazon at

Three minutes a day will free you from the joy-stealing temptation to try to make yourself, your family, your spirituality and your dreams perfect. After each devo, I've written a "Making It Personal" life coaching tip, question or exercise.

NEW BLOG: The "Relief of Imperfection" blog has been transferred to my new blog, so click on over to

Remember, life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful! Enjoy.


Precious Gems said...

Great to hear of you. You sound like such an amazing woman with great wisdom to share. I have just written a blog you might find interesting. Take a peek!

Joan C. Webb said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message. I'll visit your Precious Gems blog. Looking forward to it.
Just FYI: I've transferred my blog to
Would love to have you visit me there.
Relief blessings,